Saturday 30 April 2011

What a weekend!!

Well the royal wedding day celebrations went well.. my union Jack cake was the tastiest I have made yet 
:-D I think it has something to do with my new kitchen aid mixer.

Big brother and I managed to fix the new WIR roof and it does look fab, I will upload pics soon.

A day in the goodlife today learning beekeeping, sausage making, meat curing and cheese making with city cottage. It was a really great day and I really want bees now. I popped off to the shop on my way home to get some pork and have some bacon curing in the fridge ready for brekkie tomorrow.

Unfortunately the wild winds we have been having blew my mini greenhouse over the garden and hundreds of seedlings are ruined so I am going to have to start again!

Off to pick up the new 10 * 6 glass greenhouse tomorrow so busy busy busy!!

1 comment:

  1. Noooo!!

    The plastic greenhouses are useless in the wind. I learnt the hard way too!

    I always make sure that if I use one then it is in a very wind shielded place.

    Martin :)
